Business cannot succeed in societies that fail. — Bjorn Stigson
T.I.C. celebrated Diwali with Underprivileged Children

On this Deepawali (2014), T.I.C. Care celebrated the festival of lights and love by spreading awareness about eco-friendly crackers and ushered happiness through distributing these crackers and sweets to the underprivileged children near the vicinity of the office. The children were very happy and their delight can be seen in the pictures clicked by the team of T.I.C. On the occasion, the entire T.I.C. team along with the Managing Director, Mr. Gaurav Dhall enjoyed the special celebrations with the children.

Green Initiative by T.I.C.

If we have to sustain growth we need to contribute in the development of the society. At T.I.C. we religiously follow strict CSR procedures. We practice green policies in-house by saving papers through our recycling program, print reduction and energy efficient practices. We also ensure during our events that we reduce our environmental impact by using small measures and by using reusable things.

Adopting a couple of BPL communities

In today’s world, when everything is turning up materialistic, there are few companies which have kept the hopes alive. One such company is T.I.C., which is involved in various philanthropic activities through its CSR division – T.I.C. Care. As a special initiative by T.I.C. Care, the company will also be adopting a couple of BPL communities and will take care of their well being as a part of their CSR efforts.